Iziko Planetarium and Digital Dome, 23 July 2018
On July 23 2018, we invited members of the media and of the astronomy community to an event at the Iziko Planetarium and Digital Dome to celebrate the IDIA Research Cloud. The event consisted of an introduction, a show and a panel discussion followed by refreshments. The show itself featured previously unseen and unpublished astronomical images from the MIGHTEE experiment on MeerKAT and from the MeerLICHT telescope, overlaid to illustrate the complementarity of astronomy at different wavelengths.
Data cloud to help unravel mysteries of the universe. Tanya Farber. (Timeslive) 23 July 2018.
Data cloud to help unravel mysteries of the universe. Tanya Farber. (Dispatchlive) 23 July 2018.
How do you store a universe worth of data? Three SA universities have the answer. Tanya Farber. (Businesslive) 23 July 2018.
Kids with their heads in the cloud will solve today’s mysteries tomorrow. Tanya Farber (Times Select) 24 July 2018.
Researchers build scientific research cloud to process images from the MeerKAT telescope. Kim Cloete. (Engineering News) 24 July 2018.
Oplossings van ‘groot data’ moet in SA gevind word (Solutions for big data must be found in SA). Elsabe Brits (Netwerk 24) 26 July 2018.
The universe in a cloud (UCT News)