Anelda Van der Walt
Anelda has formal education and research experience in bioinformatics and next-generation sequencing. In 2014 she established a South African training and consulting company, Talarify. Talarify is committed to working with research organisations, groups, and individuals to help build human capacity in reproducible research, open science, and computational/digital research across all disciplines. Over the years, Anelda has gained extensive experience with human capacity development in trans-disciplinary spaces and specifically in multicultural, multilingual contexts. She has also been heavily involved in supporting communities of practices around computational and digital research across Africa. Anelda has a passion for mentorship and is involved in various South African and international mentorship programmes such as ESCALATOR, Open Life Science, The Carpentries, and the Software Sustainability Fellowship. Talarify’s flagship projects currently include ESCALATOR (funded and co-lead by SADiLaR) and afrimapr (funded through the Wellcome Trust).