South African MIGHTEE Early Science Workshop

South African MIGHTEE Early Science Workshop

5th Floor, SANBI Seminar Rooms, Life Sciences Building

University of the Western Cape

Cape Town, South Africa

20 – 22 February, 2019


Early observation of several  MIGHTEE pointings have been completed, and the MIGHTEE-DATA team are working to create preliminary images data sets to support early science projects. Initial images and cubes including multi-frequency synthesis continuum images, Stokes cubes and coarse HI cubes are expected to be available in the next weeks. 

In the week following the PHISCC in Perth, the Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) will host a MIGHTEE Early Science workshop from 20 – 22 February 2019.  The workshop is open to international participants, with the primary goal of bringing together the South African faculty, postdoctoral researchers and students who are working on MIGHTEE.

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the MIGHTEE data,  plan early science programs and collaborations, discuss issues and longer term goals, and generally advance engagement by South African postdoctoral researchers and students in MIGHTEE.

Main topics for the workshop include:

  • Presentations by the MIGHTEE-DATA team and discussion, assessment and critique of data products and plans, and advanced calibration and imaging issues;
  • Early science plans and updates on any early science projects that have something to report;
  • Discussion of techniques and analyses that cut across MIGHTEE science, e.g. source finding, multi-wavelength analysis to classify sources etc.;
  • Discussions of collaborations and future directions;
  • Policy regarding access early science and publication and data access.

Please view the workshop webpage for more information for presentations. SCIENTIFIC ORGANISING COMMITTEE:

  • Russ Taylor
  • Brad Frank
  • Imogen Whittam  (image above: SKA South Africa)