IDIA Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

UPDATE: This position is now filled. The MeerKAT telescope is the precursor of the Square Kilometre Array mid-frequency dish array to be deployed later this decade on the African continent. MIGHTEE is one of the MeerKAT large survey projects, designed to pathfind SKA key science in cosmology and galaxy evolution. Through deep full-Stokes radio continuum imaging over several fields totaling 20 square degrees to microJy sensitivities and an ultra-deep image of a single 1 sq. deg. MIGHTEE explores dark matter and large scale structure, the evolution of galaxies, including AGN activity and star formation as a function of cosmic time and environment, the emergence and evolution of magnetic fields in galaxies.  A joint program with the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India, extends sensitive imaging of the MIGHTEE fields to below 1 GHz.   

We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join the Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy as part of a vibrant research team in extragalactic continuum and polarisation science at the University of Cape Town.  The fellow will work on full-Stokes processing of MeerKAT MIGHTEE and related observations and participate in and lead MIGHTEE and Open time science projects.  Applicants should have experience with observations and data processing with interferometric radio antenna arrays for full-Stokes continuum science, and expertise in analysis of multiwavelength data.  The fellow will have access to MeerKAT MIGHTEE and ancillary data and associated GMRT data, and to the ilifu data intensive cloud facility ( for processing and analytics.  For further information about the position please contact Russ Taylor (, Lucia Marchetti ( or Jacinta Delhaize ( should email applications to, including (as a single pdf) a CV, publication list, a brief (~2 pages) overview of their research and interests and provide the contact details of 3 referees who are willing to send letters of recommendation.