New paper: HELP: The Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project

The Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP) collates, curates, homogenises, and creates derived data products for most of the premium multi-wavelength extragalactic data sets. This is not an easy task, as each telescope used to collect data uses different resolutions, different types of light – wavelengths – and observes different types of objects. Some are point-like sources of light, others are … Read More

ALMA Science Archive remote visualization with CARTA

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a large interferometer radio telescope in Chile, one of the largest astronomy projects in existence, at least until the Square Kilometre Array is built. The ALMA Science Archive (ASA) contains the public and proprietary data of all ALMA observations. Through the Archive Query Interface, the user can constrain their search using various observational … Read More

CARTA – A New Astronomy Visualization Tool

The advent of very large telescopes, and their increasingly complex and voluminous data products, means digital astronomical data now needs special treatment to be understood. Simple two-dimensional graphs can no longer adequately portray the massive amounts of data pouring in from huge radio interferometers like ALMA, ASKAP, LOFAR, MeerKAT and soon the SKA, which perceive signals in higher spatial and … Read More

Virtual Reality and Immersive Collaborative Environments: the New Frontier for Big Data Visualisation

The IDIA Vislab team has published a paper on their immersive visualisation work. They describe a software package they are busy developing: The iDaVIE software suite currently under development reads from both “volumetric data cubes” and “sparse multi-dimensional catalogs”, rendering them in a room-scale immersive environment that allows the user to intuitively view, navigate around and interact with features in … Read More

New paper on machine learning to characterise radio galaxies

Classification of radio galaxies is looking at their shape, their morphology. Studying the shapes of galaxies in one thing we use to learn more about the formation and evolution of those great megacities of hundreds of billions stars, black holes and other cosmic beasts. Radio galaxies are galaxies that have very interesting features that are visible in radio wavelengths. Those … Read More

Cosmic beasts and where to find them

Gigantic galaxies discovered with the MeerKAT telescope. Cover image: The two giant radio galaxies found with the MeerKAT telescope. In the background is the sky as seen in optical light. Overlaid in red is the radio light from the enormous radio galaxies, as seen by MeerKAT. Left: MGTC J095959.63+024608.6. Right: MGTC J100016.84+015133.0. Credit: I. Heywood (Oxford/Rhodes/SARAO). Two giant radio galaxies … Read More