Combined MeerLICHT (optical background) and MeerKAT (radio overlay) image of the Galactic Plane Survey (- l = 5.5, b = 0; 3×3 degrees), created using CARTA and the RGB colour blender feature. 
Credit: Patrick Woudt / CARTA / MeerLICHT / MeerKAT / NRF-SARAO

A new release of CARTA is out: v5-beta. This contains several new major features, along with bug fixes and enhancements. The new features include a channel map view and an RGB colour blender.

CARTA is a major visualisation tool used by thousands of astronomers worldwide, architected for use with big data sets. In its current form, CARTA has been under development since the start of 2018 by a consortium of institutions: The Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (ASIAA), the (American) National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), the University of Alberta, and IDIA. A new partner is the Australian SKA Regional Centre (AusSRC), who will bring expertise on time domain astronomy and head a new Support Team, among other contributions.

This new beta version is available from ilifu, or to obtain packages visit the CARTA website.