
superMIGHTEE Workshop held at Kruger National Park

Astronomers from India and South Africa descended upon the Kruger National Park to kick off the superMIGHTEE Workshop from 05 – 07 June 2019. superMIGHTEE is the joint exploration of the Deep Sky with uGMRT and MeerKAT, and evolved from a series of joint workshops co-sponsored by India’s Department of Science and Technology and South Africa’s National Research Foundation bilateral, … Read More

Seasoning Society with SALT – First of the SEADS series.

We were lucky to welcome a very wide audience for the the first instalment of this seminar series, designed for anyone using science and technology to engage communities and stimulate development. We had representatives from UWC’s Physics and Astronomy department, where it was hosted, as well as from the Humanities where long-term community engagement projects also take place. We welcomed … Read More

UP group is growing with new IDIA project

Since 2018, the group at the University of Pretoria is growing, and their science is growing! The technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) enables radio antennas across the planet to be used as a single, Earth-sized telescope. At the same time, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are growing in importance as the data from telescopes grows bigger. Prof. Roger Deane … Read More

New Postdoctoral Fellow Joins IDIA

The Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy welcomes Dr. Matt Prescott, our new postdoctoral researcher, based at University of the Western Cape. Dr. Matt Prescott joins us under joint Fellowship between the Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy and the Centre for Radio Cosmology at theUniversity of the Western Cape. He shall be under the guidance of both Prof. Mario Santos and Prof. Russ Taylor. … Read More

Visitors from INAF, Italy

The Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy is pleased to announce visitors from the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) in Catania, Italy. This cohort of researchers include Grazia Umana, Corrado Trigilio, Adriano Ingallinera and Francesco Cavallaro. The researchers will be visiting the University of Cape Town (Tuesday, 21 May 2019 and Thursday, 23 May 2019), University of the Western Cape (Wednesday, … Read More

IDIA researchers awarded science projects with the MeerKAT telescope

Researchers from IDIA partner universities, especially junior researchers, were remarkably successful in gaining access to the MeerKAT telescope for new science projects. This means more opportunities for young scientists, more scientific discoveries, and lots of big data in need of powerful computing infrastructure in this age of mammoth scientific experiments. How do astronomers get to use telescopes? It is a … Read More